Tuesday, August 12, 2008

August 12, 2008

Actually.......they have no lecture this class,but they have a quiz. Mr.Dosejo her give the time to study about the report last day.......ahahaha

August 11, 2008

At this time the project it will be finish and it will be to finish the report at this day. It will be enjoyed to all the report....jejeje

Monday, August 11, 2008

August 8, 2008

At August 8, they have a film fiewing at the school. But Mr. Dosejo he said to her students to finish the project, because we can start the report at monday......jejeje

August 7, 2008

Unfortunately Mr. Dosesjo her give a project to her students.....My project is not easy because we can use the power point....hahahahahaha

August 6, 2008

At August 6 they have no class,because they have a competation typing at the school. But Mr. Dosejo they give a many projects to her students.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

August 5,2008

This evening is they have not lecture,because they have a long quiz today. It is not easy quiz because there are many explain and meaning but i can do the best to answer the long quiz.

July 31,2008

This evening we did not a lecture,because Mr.Dosejo is give time to unfinish this project,because it will pass it today.